Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Should same sex marriage be legal?

Should Same-Sex Marriage be Legal in California?

The debate in California lately is about same-sex marriage should be legal or not? Every culture, community, and politic group speaks of them, but they seem to be divided on how we should come to practice these themes of love, respect and compassion. However, I support same-sex marriage should be legal. People should have the right to marry with whoever they love. It is love, not money, property, etc. Thus, nobody can say that it is right or wrong.

America is the country of freedom. People have the right to do whatever they want under the law, but the law should be more opened. Discrimination should be eliminating from this country by the law. Marriage is a lifelong commitment to be together between two people. They love each other and want to stay together without any problems. We should respect what other people want to do with their lives -whatever makes them happy, as long as it does not hurt anyone. Same-sex marriages reduce social problems; such as divorce, suicide, and children from many countries that do not have family are adopted by gays. The one reason that may cause of divorce is people hide what they are. And then, they married with people who has opposite sex to pretend that they are straight sex. Marriage without love can not be lasted long. It is because of religion, tradition in social that we have believed it for long times ago. It is cause of suicide as well. When family or the other in social against and push pressure on them, and they have no right to do whatever they want. It makes them feel unhappy, and then they think that they had better die. Thus, why don’t we give them a chance to do whatever they want to.

Same-sex couple adopted children from many countries. They help them to have a better life and get an education. Otherwise, nobody knows what is going to happen with those children. Same sex couple can really constitute a good based family, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics that has recognized that gay households can be just as loving and supportive an environment for raising children as the straight kind.

According to the California law; the California supreme court ruled on may 15, 2008 that same-sex couple have the right to marry in California. The decision should be made moot if the ballot initiative to define marriage between one man and one woman passed in November, 2008; (

It is unjust to tell two people devoted to each other, and in love, that they are not permitted to marry one another. The government has no right to set restrictions on an institution such as marriage because it is a personal decision that has no implications on society. Those who claim it could deteriorate our society are only afraid of change. Same-sex marriage should be legal and their commitment should be celebrated the same as any other marriage.

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